Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Back on Track (Choo Choo)

I apologize for the title but I'm kinda into trains.  Also I am just so freaking so excited!  I have hit Onderland!!!  That is right, I am below 200lbs!  Took me a week after my set back but happy to be back on track. 

This also means that I only need to lose 1.1lbs by Thursday to win my Dietbet!  Its possible but if it doesn't happen, I'm still happy! 

And I already signed up for a new Dietbet!  Hopefully this will keep me from bingeing after the end of the other Dietbet!  By the end of February, I will need to be below 195 to win this one but I think that is well in the card if I stay in fat burning! 

I am so excited and rejuvenated! 

Couch to 5k update, I can officially run for 25 minutes straight!  Wow, I really didn't know that I had it in me.  It was definitely a mental battle at the beginning and in the last 5 min.  In the beginning, I was making excuses to maybe stop and walk for a little while half way through but I knew that I wouldn't be happy with myself if I didn't push through.  Then in the last 5 min, I was continuously checking the time and should have just focused on finishing strong.  But in the end, I made it!  And it actually felt good to run at a little faster pace then I have been running at.  I might actually be a runner...who knew?  I don't know about any marathons or even minis but I think I'll sign up for some 5ks!  Week 7 is all 25 min runs so I am excited to see if I can improve my time and distance.  Only 3 more weeks of the Couch to 5k training, then I'll have to find a new workout goal!   Maybe 5k to 10k? 
Fitbit update, I'm kicking all my friends butts in steps!  I have reached over 10,000 steps in the last two days and am going to challenge myself to do it for the whole week. 

I am so happy that I have such a great support group!  I am so glad that I have friends that I can share my successes and failures with!  I'm even happier when I get to see them succeed as well!  Now if only they could move a little closer to me.  :P

Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I missed Week 3 update!  There is a reason why...I went off my diet and exercise for about 4 days.  I was doing great!  I got down to 200.2lbs and then I sabotaged myself.  I am very disappointed in myself.  I could be below 200 lbs right now.  I could be at my dietbet goal as well!  Now I am not sure if I will make my goal.  I am at 201.6 right now and have to get down to 198.5 by Friday.  We will see if I can get back onto ketosis before then and drop 3.1lbs to meet my dietbet goal!

Time to move on though.  I am back on my diet.  I ran Friday on Week 6 day 2!  Next will be running for a full 25 min straight!  Wish me luck!  Yesterday, I also went to Yoga and boy are my thighs tight today! 

I finally got my Fitbit!  I am at 40,008 steps since Tuesday!  I hit the 10,000 steps in one day on Friday!  I am really enjoying watching my stats and trying to make my goals every day!  I am currently in first place with my friends!  I love it!  Just gotta keep on keepin on!

Thanks for reading!