Thursday, July 10, 2014

I think my scale is broken

Last post I was avoiding the scale like the plague. Well last night I weighted myself because I signed up for a dietbet.  I hopped on and the scale read 181 lbs.  I knew it would be up, especially since I was weighing myself in the evening and after dinner.  But this is only 2.8 lbs higher than right before vacation.  Woohoo!

I knew I would have to weigh myself in the morning to get a more accurate weigh-in.  So this morning I woke up grudgingly, walked Rosalie, turned on the Keurig, and hopped on the scale.


Nope.  Stepped off and stepped on again


What?  No way...that is impossible.  That is 1 lb less than right before vacation.  I just don't know what to think.  Is my scale broken?  Did I lose all my muscle?  I definitely don't think I ate less than I was burning.  Did I gain and then I was so scared of how much I gained that I already lost it and then some?  Doubtful. I just don't know.  Either way I'm happy with how my body is feeling again and I am just going to keep on going!

In the last post I also mentioned my need to lots of motivation!  Well I think I have that now!  As I said earlier I signed up for dietbet that another weight loss blogger is hosting.  I had taken a break from dietbets after losing all my winnings from previous dietbets and not willing to lose more.  I don't know what in me decided it was time to get back into it but I joined at the cost of $35 dollars.  I am now in control of whether or not I'll get that money back.  To get that moola back, I have to lose 4 % by early August.  I weighed in last night since the dietbet started today.  At 181 lbs, I have to get down to 173.8.  But after this morning's weight-in that is only 3.4 lbs away!  Winning this dietbet will be just so much sweeter if I can beat it and then some!  Why not go for 4% from 171.2?  I am going to set the goal for myself to be into the 160s by the time this diet bet ends!  I mean Why settle?

To help me reach my dietbet goal, I signed up for a 5k this weekend.  This was probably a crazy idea especially since I haven't been running much for the last two weeks.  I won't be beating any personal records.  My goal is to just pass the finish line and get a good workout in to help me to my long term goal.

I think I am sufficiently motivated for the time being!  Wish me luck and I'll report back how my 5k went next week!  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How do I get off Vacation Mode?!?!

The Bahamas were amazing!  I had so much fun catching up with friends and making new ones!  We went clear bottom kayaking, snorkeling, and beach bathing! This is a great picture of a very large fish that we were swimming with that Josh got with our new underwater camera!  We walked around Nassau and I bought a pretty sweet wood anchor for our boat themed guest bedroom.  Its a work in progress...  I really think the people made trip so amazing!  I couldn't ask for better friends, I just wish we didn't live all in different states! 

It was a Fabulous trip!  But being that it was a cruise...I ate too much and drank too much.  I did work out two days but one day was more of a mental workout and the second was right after eating which meant not so fun cramps...But at least I got moving?  I even had a workout buddy for the second gym trip!!!  This was my view while on the treadmill! <==

After the Bahamas it was on to Chicago for my very good friend's beautiful wedding! We were treated to some delicious Chicago Deep Dish pizza at the rehearsal dinner!  It was sooo good!

The morning of the wedding, I can't lie I was a little scared to put on my bridesmaids dress.  Thankfully it was a flowing dress so it really only had to fit around the chest.  It fit and I still had room to breath even after having it taken in when I had it altered!

The wedding was beautiful with the ceremony outside under a tree.  The views were beautiful but what made me really tear up with their stories and vows.  I can only hope that our wedding makes people ball even 1/8th as much as they made me!  Again, Congratulations you too!!  I don't think anyone left that wedding with a hint of doubt that those two absolutely belong together and will live happily ever after!

Okay, now that my tears have dried...back to getting in shape for my big day!  uh oh...I still have not got back on the scale to so were I stand after the calorie filled vacation.  I have decided to get back on the medifast diet with the 5 small meals and one lean and green meal.  I will however be adding fruits such as bananas, blueberries, and cherries.  (I had A LOT of muscle cramps during my vacation that were not very fun)  Hardest part...keeping my dieting going when my love comes home from work.  I don't know what it is but I just wanna stay inside and cuddle and eat ice cream and sushi all day when he is home.  I feel safe and always accepted no matter how I look with him which is a AMAZING thing but not good for my diet.  I will say though that he did motivate me the other day.  When he was in Tulsa, he started working out and is now motivated to keep it up!  I think he liked the results and I'm not going to lie...I liked them too :P  But if he works out then I feel bad if I don't work out!  Hello competitive motivation!  I love that we can talk and compare workouts now!  Of course its different because I wanna lose weight and he does not.  But still it is a new way of bonding and I love it!  (Don't make fun of me, I know you are reading this a laughing at me)

So here is to getting back into the routine and reaching that goal before our big day!  Still have 9 months and at LEAST 60 lbs to go? (depending on the scale which I am avoiding) that I see that I am kind of scared.  Can I do that?

Wait, of course I can!  What is stopping me?

oh yeah, ME

I know there is so much I still wanted to post but its getting late and I wanna get to bed on time so that I can wake up and maybe, no, definitely get in a morning run!  No more lazy, hitting the snooze 3-4 times!  I am still trying to get out of vacation any motivation that you wanna send my way will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading!