Then I ran by a man in a motored wheelchair. The fact that I was mad and complaining to myself about having to run outside seemed petty then. I should be thankful and happy that I have the time, energy, and capability to run with others don't. The rest of my run I was delighted and thankful for every step, every burn, and every sensation. Is this the runner's high? I ran for a new record of 28 min as I finished Week 8 Day 1 of C25k. I also ran for the biggest distance of 1.9 miles with an average pace of 14:44! If that isn't a runner's high then I don't know what is. I can't wait for my next run and the next high!
I don't know why I haven't been running before this! But I do know. I was always scared that people would see me running and think that is the ugliest run I have ever seen, look at her fat flap, or that they would yell something negative. I guess now that I am adult and have more self confidence that I don't care. (A little something that my fiancé has taught me) The only people that I will accept criticism from are the other people running around the block with me. No one can judge me if they see that I'm putting forth the effort to become a better me!
In other news, Weekly fitbit update! I'm kicking butt and taking names! As you can tell I'm kind of competitive and I made my goals while kicking my friends butts! I love my fitbit!
Still working on sticking to the plan and not falling off. Weekends are always the hardest because I have so much more time yet don't want to do anything. I hope to stick to it this weekend so wish me luck!
Thanks for reading!