Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hello 170s!

Thats right!  I am into the 170s now!  What? What? (raising the roof dance)

I am 179lbs right now so not very far into the 170s but I am waving goodbye to the 180s!  Wow!  I really can't remember the last time I was in the 170s.  Probably high school...now i feel old....

Next victory?  Size 12 jeans!  Oh yeah!  Now I really feel bad for all those size 12 jeans that I threw away because I said to myself "why am I lying to myself?  I will never fit into these again."  I want to go back in time and hit that self but I guess that was a step I had to take to get to where I am now.

This week, I was reading a post from runner's world where a woman about my height and size went from 200 lbs to 120-130.  This is almost exactly my goal!  It's so nice to find a story that really relates to me because if they can do it why can't I?  My favorite part about the article that really got me was this part:

''I met my “rock bottom” in September 2002 looking at pictures from a vacation. I was disgusted at what I saw. At 20 years old, 5’1” and about 204 pounds, I decided enough was enough. I had been overweight most of my life. It seemed like I always battled it but nothing really every worked, so I went through a long period of time where I just accepted it and thought, “This is how I’m supposed to be.” So this was my meeting with reality. '' - Jennifer Piacenti

This seriously struck me because I remember having this conversation with my Mom.  I have always been bigger and after trying all kinds of diets, I had given up.  I just accepted that I was always going to be a big girl at 225 lbs.  That was when I went through all my clothes and got rid of anything that didn't fit because I had the face the truth that with my lifestyle choices I was never going to fit into them.  I had to cleanse myself and my closet.  I guess that was MY "rockbottom."  When I had to start shopping at bigger girl stores, I knew it was getting out of control.  I wanted to be able to be active.  I want to able to go hiking and not hold everyone up because I can't catch my breath.  I want to ride roller coasters and not worry about if I am going to fit in.  I want to experience everything and my weight should not be the reason that I can't.  Weight is something that I control, it doesn't control me!

Here is the link to her story:  http://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/how-running-changed-me-jennifer-piacenti?cm_mmc=Facebook-_-RunnersWorld-_-Content-RunnerStories-_-HRCMJennifer

Fitbit update:  Back at the top!  Kicking butt again!

Runner's World Streak Update:  I have completed 10 out of the 16 days so far with my longest streak of 7 days so far.  I have completed 15.4 miles!  That's a half marathon!  I hope I can keep this streak up even when I go on our cruise but we'll see!

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