Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New High Score

Eating wise I was so bad this weekend!  Chinese Buffet was the worst decision!  I can't imagine how many calories I consumed!  Was it worth it?  No!  On the bright side we did walk there from our apartment and back but definitely did not offset the amount we ate... and ALL the work I put in is gone in the such a short amount of time.  It is a learning experience and these are decisions that I will have to make for the rest of my life.  Just because I get to my goal does not mean that its over and I can go back to my old ways or I'll just end up back where I started.  Thankfully tomorrow is always a new day and new start. 

This weekend was also bad exercise wise.  I didn't get 10,000 steps in all weekend.  :(  I was a lazy couch potato.  We went to a hockey game Friday night, the farmers market and meat market Saturday, and saw Bill Maher live Sunday night.  It was a fun weekend but with some bad health decisions.  I did avoid all the concessions!  Bought some local green tomatoes and romaine at the farmers market though. 

So now on to the meaning behind the title.  New High Score, is a reference to my run yesterday.  Week 8, Day 2 running for 28 min with 5 min warm up walking and 5 min cool down walking.  I ran for a new record distance and pace!  My total distance was 2.57 miles!  Only .53 miles more till I get to that 5k!  My average walking pace was 17:49 and my average running pace was 13:57!  I don't know why but I run so much faster outside than on the treadmill.  Also not being able to see the clock makes me just focus on running.  I am working on my posture and breathing.  Yesterday a cold front was blowing in and the wind was crazy strong.  I don't know if I was dehydrated or if it was the cold but it definitely got hard to swallow and my saliva was getting thick.  I need to work on getting my water in especially on running days.  Also I read that chewing gum helps thin out the saliva so I may try that next time.  I'm so excited for my next run to see if I can add some more distance! Only 4 more workouts left on my Couch 2 5k! 

Thank you for reading!

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