Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Candy and Duathlon? Maybe

I ate this years first Halloween candy last night.  I have been avoiding all the candy and when I pass it have a debate with myself over the temptation.  I decided not to have candy at my desk this year because it was something that was just going to tempt me all day every day.  who wants that? I bought candy corn yesterday for some cupcakes that I'm going to make this week.  I should not of even opened the package but I had the extra calories and decided to splurge on some.  I counted out the 24 candy serving and enjoyed my sugar.  I feel good that I was in control and made the decision consciously.

Okay now into what has been going on.  Last post I mentioned my family was coming to town and I spent the week with them and enjoyed their company.  I did gain a little which is probably partly due to the cake and ice cream, we had that is a big splurge from daily life.  Currently I am back down to my before weight and a little more.

Next up is my fiance's family.  I have been trying to kick but while I have this time between and I am feeling good.  Its getting down to crunch time though and I have lots of stuff I wanna get done plus the usual working out and working overtime so I can take time off.  Eek, stress is building.  I am taking it one day at a time though and planning ahead.

With all lack of strictly sticking to plan I am not going to be making some of my challenges.  I won't meet my meltdown challenge and I didn't win my last dietbet round.  I am working though to meet the next round.  I have until mid November so I still have some time but don't wanna push it off either.  I have been trying to stay motivated with podcasts and tracking my food intake.

So this weekend is a duathlon (2 mile run with a 10 mile bike and another 2 mile bike).  I am still not completely sure if I'm going to do it but I really would like to.  The scary unknown is what is holding me back also the fact that this is kind of last minute.  I have been biking approximately 6.5 miles to and 6.5 miles from work 2-3 days a week.  With my half marathon training I feel good about the 2 mile run.  I even practiced with a brick work out where I rode home and then immediately ran 2 miles to see what the transition is like.  It took a little for my lets to adjust but it wasn't too bad!  I even raced my friend that is states away and we compared times and I was only a few seconds behind! (more on this later)  After this I feel confident that I can do it but I'm scared I'll be the last one.  I'll update you on my decision next post.

As I said I have been biking to work and I love it!  It's a great work out and I can feel that I am working different muscles.  The hardest part is biking home because most of the time we are getting a good wind from the coast and I have to push through that.  So far have not had any really close calls with people.  I ride with the thought that every one is out to get me so I am always in a bike lane or sidewalk and the biggest issue is when people pulling out of driveways stop in my path.  Please be conscious of bikers and stop and look before you cross the path of the side walk and stay in your lane.  The bike lane is not extra part of your lane.

With biking to work means people at work notice you more.  I am sure people are saying "she is crazy."  That's okay.  I enjoy it.  One moment that did make me mad this week was when I was eating my premade salad from home and a gentleman walked up and said "you enjoying your peppers and veggies?"  I said yes.  The tone is what got to me as he giggled and walked past with his fast food.  I am not judging him by his decision and you shouldn't judge someone else for their decision to make a healthy choice.  Since when is eating healthy uncool?  I don't know maybe I'm reading far too into it.  I feel good about my decision and that is all that matters.

Half Marathon Training
2 weeks away from the Harbor Half!  I completed 10 miles this weekend.  I wasn't happy with not being able to run the whole time but I am proud of the distance.  Can't believe in 2 weeks that i'm going to be doing a 10 miles plus 3.1 more miles!  I'm looking forward to it but I'm also scared.  Hoping to see about doing the bridge walk this weekend to check out part of the course but we'll see with having family in town.

Racing buddies!

Last week I raced my friend that lives states away.  He is the one that really got me started on this journey by seeing his success.  Well we can be very competitive and one day he said he was going to run a 5k after work and I said I would race him.  We ran separately and compared our times once we were both finished.  I won by 0.02 seconds which is pretty much like we tied!  We completely agreed that this little competition really push us during our run.  So I am hoping we make it a weekly thing!  We raced 2 miles last night and he beat me!  I am totally going to use the excuse that I was tired from my bike home.  I don't know if I would have actually ran the 2 miles though if he didn't challenge me.

Also today at work a girl stopped me to ask about my biking and running and asked if I would be interested in doing a triathlon with her in San Antonio in a few months.  This was awesome!  I've been reading up about triathlons because that is my next goal after the half marathon in 2 weeks!  I am so excited to learn from her and have a workout buddy!

Non-Scale Victory
I can fit into size 10 pants and shorts now!  What?!?!

That's all for now but hopefully there will be some race posts coming up soon!  Thanks for reading!

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