Monday, September 22, 2014

Back to the Basics

Okay, I had a bad week.  I'm not sure what happened but I pretty much broke down.  Emotionally not a good week.  But I am ready to move on.  So here we are back to the basics.

I am up back into the 170s but barely so that's good.  I hate going backwards though!  Feels like the work was for nothing when I go backwards but just have to start over and keep going.

Back to the basics, what does that mean?  I am not exactly sure but here is my plan.
1. Water- 80 oz a day
2. Exercise- everyday can be big or small just have to move!
3. Plan meals!  Unplanned=bad decisions
4. Understanding my thoughts

The last one is what I have been struggling with for the last week.  I started a new kind of weight loss challenge last week and it has daily readings and webinars and all kinds of great stuff to support weight loss!  Not only the eating part but the emotional part.  I want to share with you what I am going to be focusing this week.  "Thoughts come first then emotions which then drive our actions which leads us to our results"  My thoughts control my emotions not my the other way around.  I need to be more aware of what my thoughts are and why they make me feel the way that I do.  I'll have to get back to you on this...

I am still training for my half marathon and I have officially registered!  So now I am committed!  I did 8 miles this week but not very fast.  The heat was back on and I am looking forward to the cool weather!  Only 6 miles to do this weekend so that will be a piece of cake! (probably not the best choice of words) The hard part isn't the long runs any more its sticking to my training plan during the week.  I now dread short runs more than long runs.  Hoping that waking up early this week and getting them over with in the cooler mornings will help but that means getting my butt out of bed....wish me luck.

6 month dietbet:  I squeaked by to win round 2 which was a goal of 6% and I won $25.16!  Next goal is 8 % and currently I am up from the 6% goal so I have work to do!  Speaking of work to do, I am in another dietbet and I have 9 days to lose 6 lbs...ugh oh.  Yeah I have been slacking!  Well I am kicking it into gear!  I don't know if 6 lbs is do able but I am going to try!  I hate to lose!  Started out this weekend by doing some meal planning for the week!  I am set this week with cooked chicken breasts, egg salad, spaghetti squash with broccoli and cheese, and pumpkin bread pudding!

So like I said early, I started a new challenge called the Meltdown challenge called Thin it to win it-Team Rex and I am on a team with my old medifast coach.  I love this challenge so far!  Not only do I have to lose 6%  in 6 weeks but I have to earn so many participation points as well.  The points are easy to earn and I am actually learning some great stuff!  I listened to the healthy webinar this morning and it brought up some great questions.  What do you want?  What is your goal?  Why do you want it?  Why now?  Do you want to feel better or stop feeling bad?  What matters most?  These are all questions we have to ask ourselves to find our motivation.  Our motivation is what keeps up on track.  What is your motivation?  I am still learning what my true motivation is.  At first it was to fit into that wedding dress and look great in pictures but now I want to improve my quality of life.  Not that my quality of life is poor now but it could be better!  I want to be able to do anything I want to do.  I want to do a handstand, a cartwheel, a pull up, bow pose.  What is your motivation?

Just want I needed to hear this morning: Inspiration (Youtube)

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